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职场英语:办公室这12个小动作 容易导致亚健康

发布:2016-10-03 10:02 | 来源:互联网 | 查看:

摘要: 职场英语:办公室这12个小动作 容易导致亚健康 长时间待办公室似乎还不够累人,事实上,工作会带来许多对你健康不利的习惯。但想改变永远都不嫌晚。读下去,看看


职场英语:办公室这12个小动作 容易导致亚健康

As if long hours at the office weren't draining enough, it turns out your work life could be introducing a host of habits that take a toll on your health. But it's never too late to change course. Repetitive actions do play a big role in your everyday behaviors. Read on to discover some of the mindless workplace habits that may be influencing your health -- and what to do about them.


1. Skipping breakfast.

1. 不吃早饭

While the science is somewhat debated, most experts agree it's better to eat breakfast than to forego it entirely. It can be easy to breeze through your morning on only a cup of joe, but research suggests eating breakfast can help you kickstart your metabolism and help increase your energy so you're not feeling sluggish later on. If that isn't convincing enough, some experts even advocate for eating a doughnut over skipping the meal, though obviously that shouldn't be a recurring choice. If you're looking for some easy morning options, try one of these quick breakfast recipes.


2. Leaning your face on your hand.

2. 用手撑着脸

Sure, it's comfortable, but touching your face excessively may be an enemy to good skin care or hygiene, because it spreads bacteria and other bugs.

确实,手撑脸很舒服,但过多触碰脸庞不利于呵护肌肤、也不卫生, 因为碰脸会传播细菌和其他小毛小病。

3. Eating a sad desk lunch.

3. 随意打发午餐

Your brain needs a break. Without one, your productivity and your energy levels plummet. Besides, research shows multitasking is inefficient, so you're probably not getting much done by pushing through anyway.


4. Slouching in your chair.

4. 窝在座椅里

Bad posture = Bad health? Studies show that when you slouch you may be negatively influencing your mood. Not to mention poor posture, which is frequently associated with staring at technology, puts a strain on your upper body, too, which could lead to neck and shoulder pain.


5. Touching your eye.

5. 触碰眼睛

It may be tempting to swipe off that smudged eyeliner in the middle of your day, but be wary of hand-to-eye contact as it's another way to spread germs. Not only that, you may be damaging some very delicate skin. Rubbing the eyes ... can actually create microscopic tears in the tissue (making the eye area look older faster), break the capillaries in the eyelids (causing little thread-like veins called telangiectasia) or break the capillaries under the eye (intensifying dark circles).


6. Sitting all day.

6. 终日久坐

Many experts claim that "sitting is the new smoking," which isn't such great news if you're chained to a desk for eight hours a day. A sedentary lifestyle can increase your risk for diabetes and heart disease, and it's probably hurting your back. Make it a point to get up and move as often as you can or opt for a standing desk if the opportunity exists. You can also try this yoga move to undo some of the damage that comes with sitting at a desk.


7. Petting the office dog and returning to your keyboard.

7. 办公室里抚触小狗后又立马回到键盘前