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Asian J Androl:男性不育领域突破性科研成果

发布:2017-08-24 06:03 | 来源:新闻互联网 | 查看:

摘要: 近日,《亚洲男性学杂志》Asian Journal of Andrology网版发表了一篇以色列与德国科学家合作完成的题为《软琼脂培养基中雄鼠胚胎细胞向精细胞分化》“Differenti

Asian J Androl:男性不育领域突破性科研成果

近日,《亚洲男性学杂志》Asian Journal of Andrology网版发表了一篇以色列与德国科学家合作完成的题为《软琼脂培养基中雄鼠胚胎细胞向精细胞分化》“Differentiation of murine male germ cells to spermatozoa in a soft agar culture system”的研究论著,一时间在全球范围内引起热烈的讨论。英国《每日电讯报》、以色列《耶路撒冷邮报》等众多媒体及网站竞相报道了这一研究成果,《每日电讯报》还对文章作者,以色列Ben-Gurion大学的Dr Mahmoud Huleihe和德国Munster大学的Dr Stefan Schlatt作了进一步的访谈,并邀请男性不育领域的知名专家对此进行评论。


体外培养可育的精子目前是男性不育领域的一个热门及难点,诸多领域的科学家正在为此而努力。Dr Mahmoud Huleihe和Dr Stefan Schlatt的实验小组也将在此基础上继续努力,以期早日为人类造福。


Asian J Androl:男性不育领域突破性科研成果


Differentiation of murine male germ cells to spermatozoa in a soft agar culture system

Mahmoud Abu Elhija1, Eitan Lunenfeld2, Stefan Schlatt3 and Mahmoud Huleihel1

Establishment of an in vitro system that allows the development of testicular germ cells to sperm will be valuable for studies of spermatogenesis and future treatments for male infertility. In the present study, we developed in vitro culture conditions using three-dimensional agar culture system (SACS), which has the capacity to induce testicular germ cells to reach the final stages of spermatogenesis, including spermatozoa generation. Seminiferous tubules from testes of 7-day-old mice were enzymatically dissociated, and intratubular cells were cultured in the upper layer of the SACS in RPMI medium supplemented with fetal calf serum (FCS). The lower layer of the SACS contained only RPMI medium supplemented with FCS. Colonies in the upper layer were isolated after 14 and 28 days of culture and were classified according to their size. Immunofluorescence and real-time PCR were used to analyse specific markers expressed in undifferentiated and differentiated spermatogonia (Vasa, Dazl, OCT-4, C-Kit, GFR-α-1, CD9 and α-6-integrin), meiotic cells (LDH, Crem-1 and Boule) and post-meiotic cells (Protamine-1, Acrosin and SP-10). Our results reveal that it is possible to induce mouse testicular pre-meiotic germ cell expansion and induce their differentiation to spermatozoa in SACS. The spermatozoa showed normal morphology and contained acrosomes. Thus, our results demonstrate that SACS could be used as a novel in vitro system for the maturation of pre-meiotic mouse germ cells to post-meiotic stages and morphologically-normal spermatozoa.