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发布:2017-02-07 15:16 | 来源:互联网 | 查看:

摘要: 关键词: 男性不育,遗传原因,SSF,AJHG 2012年10月27日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --严重的精子产生障碍(Severe spermatogenic failure,SSF)是一种引发低精子数和不育的主要原因。近日,刊登在国际杂志the American Journal of Human Genetics上的一篇研究报告指



2012年10月27日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --严重的精子产生障碍(Severe spermatogenic failure,SSF)是一种引发低精子数和不育的主要原因。近日,刊登在国际杂志the American Journal of Human Genetics上的一篇研究报告指出了困扰全世界男性的这种疾病的遗传改变、引发原因以及流行度。研究发现揭示了引发该疾病的遗传改变,这或许帮助生殖中心为患者提供更好的遗传咨询。





编译自:Genetic Causes of a Male Infertility Disorder Revealed



AZFc Deletions and Spermatogenic Failure: A Population-Based Survey of 20,000 Y Chromosomes

Steven G. Rozen1, 2, Janet D. Marszalek1, 3, Kathryn Irenze4, Helen Skaletsky1, 3, Laura G. Brown1, 3, Robert D. Oates5, Sherman J. Silber6, Kristin Ardlie4, 7 and David C. Page1, 3, 8, ,

Deletions involving the Y chromosomes AZFc region are the most common known genetic cause of severe spermatogenic failure (SSF). Six recurrent interstitial deletions affecting the region have been reported, but their population genetics are largely unexplored. We assessed the deletions prevalence in 20,884 men in five populations and found four of the six deletions (presented here in descending order of prevalence): gr/gr, b2/b3, b1/b3, and b2/b4. One of every 27 men carried one of these four deletions. The 1.6 Mb gr/gr deletion, found in one of every 41 men, almost doubles the risk of SSF and accounts for 2% of SSF, although <2% of men with the deletion are affected. The 1.8 Mb b2/b3 deletion, found in one of every 90 men, does not appear to be a risk factor for SSF. The 1.6 Mb b1/b3 deletion, found in one of every 994 men, appears to increase the risk of SSF by a factor of 2.5, although <2% of men with the deletion are affected, and it accounts for only 0.15% of SSF. The 3.5 Mb b2/b4 deletion, found in one of every 2,320 men, increases the risk of SSF 145 times and accounts for 6% of SSF; the observed prevalence should approximate the rate at which the deletion arises anew in each generation. We conclude that a single rare variant of major effect (the b2/b4 deletion) and a single common variant of modest effect (the gr/gr deletion) are largely responsible for the AZFc regions contribution to SSF in the population.



