2016年2月16日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --近日,来自宾夕法尼亚州立大学的神经学家通过研究发现,一个十几岁小男孩儿获得的慢波睡眠的量或许可以帮助预测其后期患胰岛素耐受性及其它健康问题的风险。当处于青春期的男孩儿获得的慢波睡眠明显减少时,相比维持慢波睡眠量的男孩儿而言,他们在成年期患上胰岛素耐受性的机会会明显增加,这些男孩儿患上2型糖尿病的风险也会明显增加,同时其内脏脂肪也会增加,而且注意力会明显受损。
慢波睡眠(Slow-wave sleep,SWS)是一个重要的睡眠阶段,该睡眠过程主要涉及记忆的巩固及睡眠剥夺后的恢复,同时慢波睡眠也和机体皮质醇及炎症水平降低直接相关;此前大量研究表明,随着个体年龄的增长其机体的慢波睡眠水平会降低,但很少有研究揭示慢波睡眠缺失引发的机体物理学和神经认知的后果。
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Natural history of sleep disordered breathing in prepubertal children transitioning to adolescence.
Bixler EO1, Fernandez-Mendoza J2, Liao D3, Calhoun S2, Rodriguez-Colon SM3, Gaines J2, He F3, Vgontzas AN2.
Because there is a lack of agreed upon diagnostic criteria, it is critical to understand the natural history of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) in children in order to establish treatment strategies based on objective data.The Penn State Child Cohort is a representative, general-population sample of 700 elementary school children at baseline, of whom 421 were reassessed 8 years later, during adolescence.The remission of childhood apnoea-hypopnoea index (AHI) ≥2 events per h in adolescence was 52.9%. Using the higher threshold of AHI ≥5 events per h, remission was 100.0%, with 50.0% partially remitting to AHI 2- <5 events per h and the other half remitting to AHI <2 events per h. The incidence of adolescent AHI ≥2 events per h in those with childhood AHI <2 events per h was 36.5%, while the incidence of AHI ≥5 events per h in those with childhood AHI <5 events per h was 10.6%. This longitudinal study confirms that prepubertal OSA tends to resolve naturally during the transition to adolescence, and that primary snoring and mild sleep disordered breathing (SDB) do not appear to be strongly associated with progression to more severe SDB.The key risk factors for SDB in adolescence are similar to those found in middle-aged adults (i.e. male sex, older age and obesity). Moreover, consistent with recent studies in adults, this study includes the novel cross-sectional finding that visceral fat is associated with SDB as early as adolescence.