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传承国医勇于创新发展 耕耘杏林济世天下苍生

发布:2022-09-20 09:35 | 来源:第一健康网 | 查看:

摘要: 记当代中医事业创新与发展奠基人李乘伊 Inheriting traditional Chinese medicine and being brave in innovation and development Cultivate the apricot forest to help the world --On Professor Li Chengyi, the founder of the innovation and developm




Inheriting traditional Chinese medicine and being brave in innovation and development Cultivate the apricot forest to help the world

--On Professor Li Chengyi, the founder of the innovation and development of contemporary traditional Chinese Medicine



























Professor Li Chengyi is the chief expert of the health advisory group for veteran cadres of state organs. He is currently the executive president of the World Institute of traditional culture, the vice president of the Chinese Clinical Medicine Association, the president of Beijing Chengyi Medical Research Institute and the president of the world society of traditional Chinese medicine.

1、 Scholarly family, determined to write legend

Professor Li Chengyi is a legend. He was born in the hometown of Zhuan Xu, the Xuandi of Miyi in Sichuan Province in 1973. Because his ancestors were Yi people and practiced medicine and martial arts for generations, when he was still a baby, his grandfather carried him up the mountain to collect medicine, which made him know many different kinds of herbs at a young age, and he was called a little prodigy. When he was a little older, he followed behind his grandfather and observed the details of his grandfather's treatment, prescription and prescription, so as to make his understanding of traditional Chinese medicine more systematic. It can be said that his childhood was spent practicing and constantly learning traditional Chinese medicine knowledge.





In middle school, Li Chengyi began to consciously and systematically learn traditional Chinese medicine knowledge. Once in a while, a patient came to see a doctor. It happened that grandpa was not at home. He treated people and applied some herbs. Unexpectedly, he really cured the patient. Since then, Li Chengyi began to treat people, prescribe prescriptions, fill medicine, etc., just like a doctor. Seeing the patient's relaxed mood after being cured, he felt gratified. At the same time, he also began to think about the development direction of his future life. After several nights of careful consideration, Li Chengyi resolutely decided to engage in the cause of traditional Chinese medicine. He hoped that through his own efforts, more people would recover from the suffering of illness and regain a happy time.







Yiwu aristocratic family, this seemingly ordinary but vital growth environment, has given Professor Li Chengyi the nourishment of life, so that when he was young, he chose his own life path and worked hard for it with all his energy!






传统中医博大精深;中华武术源远流长, 二者融会贯通,可收到相得益彰之奇效。中国的大医学家往往也是大武术家。医武兼修可上溯到东汉名医华佗,众所周知,华佗发明了“五禽戏”。2011年5月23日,经国务院批准,华佗“五禽戏”列入第三批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。由此可见,做为著名医学家的华佗也是中华武术的鼻祖;而药王孙思邈,民间亦盛传其精通武术,曾以一指点穴法治愈大将尉迟敬德的肩痹风;到了南宋末年,更有全真教全真七子,其中又以丹阳子马钰与长春子丘处机最为突出,针灸学上著名的“马丹阳天星十二穴主治杂病歌”即为丹阳子马钰所撰;长春子丘处机后来还担任了成吉思汗的医疗健康顾问。殊不知,在医学领域有极高成就的李乘伊,同样也是一位武林高手。

从幼年就开始习武的李乘伊教授,在学医的过程中,对武学的力道也颇有了解。李乘伊教授中学时已达到国家一级运动员水平,后在河南嵩山少林寺练武。他曾跳过伞,蹦过极, 独自攀登珠峰7000多米,一年四季只穿单衣单裤。2003年2月9日,李乘伊教授在零下20摄氏度的冰雕馆内停留4小时7分钟,荣获“北京首届雪世界杯抗寒极限挑战赛”男子组亚军,央视5套及多家报纸对其进行了实况转播,刚到而立之年的李乘伊教授名扬海内外。



























2、 Medical and martial arts, colorful life, different

Traditional Chinese medicine is broad and profound; Chinese martial arts has a long history. If they are integrated, they can complement each other. China's great medical experts are often great martial artists. The combination of medicine and martial arts can be traced back to Hua Tuo, a famous doctor in the Eastern Han Dynasty. As we all know, Hua Tuo invented the "five poultry opera". On May 23, 2011, with the approval of the State Council, Hua Tuo's "Wuqinxi" was included in the third batch of national intangible cultural heritage list. It can be seen that Hua Tuo, a famous medical scientist, is also the ancestor of Chinese martial arts; Sun Simiao, the king of medicine, is also widely rumored to be proficient in martial arts. He once cured general Yuchi Jingde's shoulder arthralgia with the method of one finger acupoint; At the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, Quanzhen taught the seven sons of Quanzhen, among which Ma Yu, the son of Danyang, and Qiu Chuji, the son of Changchun were the most prominent. The famous "song of Ma Danyang Tianxing twelve points for treating miscellaneous diseases" in acupuncture and moxibustion was written by Ma Yu, the son of Danyang; Changchun Ziqiu Chuji later served as a medical and health consultant for Genghis Khan. Unexpectedly, Li Chengyi, who has made great achievements in the field of medicine, is also a Wulin expert.

Professor Li Chengyi, who has been practicing martial arts since his childhood, also has a good understanding of the power of martial arts in the process of learning medicine. Professor Li Chengyi reached the level of national first-class athletes when he was in middle school. Later, he practiced martial arts in Shaolin Temple in Songshan, Henan Province. He once jumped an umbrella and bungee jumping, climbed more than 7000 meters of Mount Everest alone, and only wore single clothes and trousers all year round. On February 9, 2003, Professor Li Chengyi stayed in the ice sculpture museum at minus 20 for 4 hours and 7 minutes and won the second place in the men's group of the "First Snow World Cup extreme challenge in Beijing". It was broadcast live by CCTV 5 sets and many newspapers. The newly established Professor Li Chengyi was famous at home and abroad.

In order to systematically learn Chinese martial arts, he paid tribute to Mr. Zhang Shan, executive vice chairman of the Chinese Martial Arts Association, director of the technical committee of the International Martial Arts Federation, honorary chairman of the Hong Kong Chinese martial arts sports association and famous in the martial arts industry. He gradually made his martial arts medicine exquisite, and Professor Li Chengyi gradually thought: can he study a method that patients can treat their pain without or with less drugs?



Through years of painstaking research, combined with the ancestral recipe of traditional Chinese medicine and the accumulated valuable clinical experience, Professor Li Chengyi explored a unique set of "Chengyi acupoint penetration therapy" on the basis of traditional acupuncture and massage. This technique uses the power of the tip of the hand to refer to the needle, complete the point, bounce, pull, press and press techniques in an instant, and use the fingering to focus on the fulcrum, so as to achieve the effect of disease prevention and elimination.






































3、 Mind the common people, a good doctor and a messenger of light

The paving and success of the road of life lies in lofty ideals. Only with lofty ideals can we make the road ahead more smooth and wider. When Li Chengyi decided to study traditional Chinese medicine, his goal in life became very clear. After graduating from Chengdu University of traditional Chinese medicine, he went to college. After graduating from University, Li Chengyi went to Bayi orthopedic hospital of Chengdu Military Region, General Hospital of the Chinese people's Liberation Army and other institutions for further study and obtained a doctorate. In the process of further study, he had the chance to meet the founder of traditional Chinese medicine in New China, the first director of the Department of traditional Chinese medicine of the Ministry of health, the director of the administration of traditional Chinese medicine and Professor Lv Bingkui, a leader of traditional Chinese medicine. He paid homage to his teachers and comprehensively studied the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, which laid a solid foundation for his exquisite acupuncture and moxibustion therapy in the future.

Under the guidance of his tutor, Professor Li Chengyi, who is highly savvy, has traveled all over the famous mountains and rivers of the motherland, visited famous doctors and extensively read ancient and modern medical literature. He has carefully studied such famous medical classics as the Yellow Emperor's Canon of internal medicine, the Golden Book of medical Zong and human anatomy. After more than 30 years of clinical experience, it has been proved that "Chengyi point penetration therapy" has significant curative effect on cervical spondylosis, lumbar disc herniation, scapulohumeral periarthritis, arthritis, heart and brain diseases, sequelae of hemiplegia, gastrointestinal system diseases, soft tissue injury, various neuralgia, headache, metabolic disorder, gynecological diseases and other difficult and miscellaneous diseases. Through manual reduction, the purpose of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis and treating diseases can be achieved.

When practicing medicine, we should put morality first and take morality as force. On the way of practicing medicine, Professor Li Chengyi treated at least tens of thousands of patients. Over the past two decades, he has visited dozens of countries and regions, delivered more than 100 keynote speeches (including many speeches at the United Nations Headquarters) and provided medical treatment for leaders of many countries. Especially during the SARS and the new coronavirus epidemic, Professor Li Chengyi vividly explained the dedication and true colors of a medical staff with his own practical actions.

On the basis of many years of clinical and scientific research, Professor Li Chengyi has published more than 100 papers and won numerous praise and awards. The article on the practice  and efficacy of acupoint massage was awarded the special prize      of excellent paper at the third development forum of traditional Chinese medicine; The essay on Confucian culture and traditional Chinese medicine won the first prize in the paper selection of the    8th China Management Science Conference; Professor Li Chengyi was invited to give a keynote speech at the  conference. At the  6th World Congress of traditional Chinese medicine in Australia, Professor Li Chengyi was invited to give a keynote speech on the efficacy and practice of Chengyi point penetration therapy. His unique views on traditional Chinese medicine have raised human health care to an unprecedented height.



In 2010, Li Chengyi was invited to give a keynote speech at the Shanghai World Expo, pointing out the "prevention of diseases" and strengthening the spleen "of traditional Chinese medicine. His article "the valley of Taoism and the origin of traditional Chinese medicine health preservation" has attracted extensive attention in the industry at the China Health Preservation Industry Development Forum, and is known as the leader and guide of China's health preservation industry.






























医者仁心、医者仁术,中华医学更是遥无止境。李乘伊教授多年的学医生涯,让他感觉到越读书越感到知识不足,越当医生胆子越小,唯有把自己当成小学生,严格要求自己, 放下架子,一辈子学生,以众为师、以万事万物为师,并把自己所学毫无保留地传授给后来者,方能将中医事业传承下去,让具有几千年悠久历史的华夏瑰宝继续灿烂!













































4、 Noble medical ethics, profound academic knowledge and brilliant achievements

While actively treating patients with diseases, Professor Li Chengyi deeply realized that disease prevention is more important than disease treatment, and China's health culture for thousands of years is the embodiment of this conclusion. Chinese traditional health preservation culture is a specific ideological motivation and conceptual model formed in a specific value system and cultural environment. On the basis of widely absorbing the theory of universe generation, the theory of heaven and man, the theory of yin and Yang and five elements, the theory of eight diagrams and nine palaces, as well as the ideological and theoretical system and symbolic system of Chinese traditional medicine, Chinese traditional health preservation culture reflects and embodies the traditional culture around human life value and the relationship between form and spirit, A series of basic attitudes and philosophical thinking, such as dynamic and static relations, are the crystallization of the wisdom of Chinese doctors for thousands of years.



With the development of social economy, people's pace of life  is accelerating. Unhealthy eating habits and irregular work and rest time make many people's health worrying; In particular, the emergence of more and more sub-health states makes people pay more and more attention to health, which leads to the emergence of many health care products and health care therapies. However, changes are inseparable from its origin, and any health care method is inseparable from the core theory of traditional Chinese medicine. Professor Li Chengyi is also familiar with the way of self-cultivation. In terms of life health maintenance and disease prevention, a set of theories he put forward have been confirmed in practice. He was the first to put forward the proposition of health maintenance in the early 1990s. Health care covers pension, health care, psychology, wisdom, medical treatment, culture, sports, tourism, transportation, commerce, entertainment, leisure, sports, e-commerce, construction, people's livelihood, green environmental protection, characteristic town construction and many other fields. At present, it has become an emerging industry concerned by the whole people. Behind his achievements and honors is Professor Li Chengyi's determination to fight silently for the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine. It also witnessed his great contribution to the innovation and development of traditional Chinese medicine in the motherland. In particular, his theoretical research and practical exploration of traditional Chinese medicine filled the gap in the field of traditional Chinese Medicine in the world. Because of his outstanding contributions to the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine and the innovation and development of contemporary Chinese medicine, he is known as the pioneer and founder of the innovation and development of contemporary Chinese medicine.

Traditional Chinese medicine is not only the treasure of the Chinese nation, but also an indispensable part of the development of the Chinese nation. It has been deeply integrated into the blood of the Chinese people. The development history of traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years is its inheritance history. Professor Li Chengyi received medical enlightenment from his grandparents, studied theoretical knowledge in the University of traditional Chinese medicine, and then trained in the General Hospital of the Chinese people's Liberation Army and the words and deeds of his mentor LV Bingkui, which is a living history of the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine. In the process of practicing medicine, Professor Li Chengyi carried forward and innovated traditional Chinese medicine, personally led students to teach valuable experience to doctors in the new era, and completed a magnificent and far- reaching relay.

Chinese medicine is even more endless. Professor Li Chengyi's many years of career as a doctor has made him feel that the more  he studies, the more he feels lack of knowledge, and the less daring he is to be a doctor. He can only regard himself as a primary school student, strictly demand himself, put down his airs, be a student all his life, take the masses as the teacher, take everything as the teacher, and impart what he has learned unreservedly to the latecomers, so as to inherit the cause of traditional Chinese medicine and make the Chinese treasure with a long history of thousands of years continue to flourish!






《科教兴国》丛书特邀副主编。他在欧美荣获健康大使杰出成就奖,在国内被授予国医圣手奖,“乘伊透穴疗法”得到了医学界和患者的一致认可。2008年,“乘伊针灸特色疗法”被评为“中医一技之长特色疗法”;“乘伊透穴特色疗法”被评为“优秀名中医特色疗法”。并获得“中国民间中医康复医疗保健传承名师”、“中医药领域德艺双馨人物和汶川赈灾模范工作者”、“奥运2008优秀企业家”等光荣称呼!2009年,在马来西亚首府吉隆坡召开的第47届世界传统医学大会上,李乘伊教授荣获大会特设的金手指奖。2012年,“乘伊透穴疗法”又被科技部评为中国科技创新最佳发明成果奖”。李乘伊教授本人获得“2012年中医药发展杰出功勋人物”、“2012年中医正骨十佳杰出人才”荣誉称号!2014年,李乘伊教授荣获“亚洲医学科技荣耀奖”、2014年国家医学教育发展中心“健康养身情、共筑中国梦”等奖项。在2015年第八届中国管理科学大会上, ‘乘伊透穴疗法荣获“中国管理科学研究与应用优秀成果奖”。“乘伊医学”品牌被中国管理科学研究院、中国国际经济技术合作促进会、中国影响力杂志社、中国中小企业协会信用管理中心,及其全国行业影响力人物(品牌)大型活动组委会等五家机构,评为“中国中医保健行业十大影响力品牌”和“中国中医康复保健服务公众满意佳典范品牌”;由李乘伊创办的“北京乘伊医学研究院”,被评为“全国质量服务信誉AAA级诚信示范单位”。









2019年1月,第四届“中国经济新模式创新与发展峰会”暨2018“中国行业领先品牌” 电视盛典活动在全国政协礼堂胜利召开。会议表彰了2018全国企业创新成果的领先品牌和个人,北京乘伊医学研究院荣获“中国行业领先品牌”。李乘伊教授获“中国行业最具创新力商业领袖”奖。













2020一2021年度抗击新型冠状病毒疫情中做出突出贡献,经CCTV大医中国栏目组、CCTV影响中国栏目组及中华临床医学会全体理事会联合共同网络投票评选,特授予李乘伊同志“2020 一2021年度感动中国抗疫先进医学人物”荣誉称号。2021年3月29日,李乘伊教授参加2021国际中国公益事业大典联合报道,被授予“中医界形象大使”称呼。
















在荣誉面前,李乘伊不敢有半点松懈, 他时常牢记恩师吕炳奎送给自己的话“悬壶济世、医道无涯”,并以此来勉励自己。他一路走来,风雨兼程,厚积薄发。从“中医一技之长特色疗法"、“优秀名中医特色疗法",到“中国科技创新最佳发明成果奖"、"亚洲医学科技荣耀奖”、“中国管理科学研究与应用优秀成果奖"、再到2015全国中医药十佳最具推广价值的特色创新疗法,一种疗法获得众多殊荣,不仅彰显其优越的治病疗效,更突出创立者的精湛医术。


5、 Keep upright and innovate to win brilliant development of the cause

"Chengyi point penetration therapy" has been unanimously recognized by the medical community and patients. In 2008, "Chengyi acupuncture characteristic therapy" was rated as "traditional Chinese medicine skill characteristic therapy"; "Chengyi point penetration characteristic therapy" was rated as "excellent famous traditional Chinese medicine characteristic therapy".  And won the honorary titles of "famous Chinese folk traditional Chinese medicine rehabilitation and health care inheritance teacher", "virtuous and artistic figures in the field of traditional Chinese medicine and model workers in Wenchuan disaster relief", "excellent entrepreneur of 2008 Olympic Games" and so on!

In 2009, Professor Li Chengyi won the special golden finger award at the 47th World Conference on traditional medicine held in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia.

In 2012, "Chengyi acupoint penetration therapy" was also rated as the "best invention achievement award of China's scientific and technological innovation" by the Ministry of science and technology. Professor Li Chengyi himself won the honorary titles of "outstanding meritorious figure in the development of traditional Chinese medicine in 2012" and "top ten outstanding talents in bone setting of traditional Chinese medicine in 2012"!

In 2014, Professor Li Chengyi won the "honor award of Asian medical science and technology" and the "healthy and nurturing, building the Chinese dream" and other awards of the national medical education development center in 2014.

At the 8th China Management Science Conference in 2015, "Chengyi acupoint penetration therapy" won the "excellent achievement award of China management science research and application". "Chengyi medicine" brand has been rated as "top ten influential brands in China's traditional Chinese medicine health care industry" and "good model brand of public satisfaction in China's traditional Chinese medicine rehabilitation and health care services" by five institutions, including China Academy of Management Sciences, China Council for the promotion of international economic and technological cooperation, China influence magazine, credit management center of China Association of small and medium- sized enterprises, and the Organizing Committee of national industry influential figures (brands) large-scale activities; The "Beijing Chengyi Medical Research Institute", founded by Li Chengyi, was rated as "AAA credit demonstration unit of national quality service reputation".

In 2015, Professor Li Chengyi won the "new benchmarking Figure Award in China's traditional Chinese medicine industry", "leader award in China's public welfare undertakings" and "outstanding figure award in China's reform" issued by the national development and Reform Commission. At the "2015 China Economic Summit Forum and the 13th annual meeting of Chinese economic figures", the evaluation committee composed of leaders of relevant departments such as the national development and Reform Commission, the state owned assets supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the Policy Research Office of the central Committee of the Communist Party of China and celebrities in the economic community evaluated that Beijing Chengyi medical research institute won the award of "China's economic green, health and environmental protection unit", President Li Chengyi won the award of "new leader in China's economic and medical industry". In 2015, Professor Li Chengyi was invited to attend CCTV influence dialogue, the key implementation project of the "China brand influence promotion plan" launched by China Internet News Center under the Information Office of the State Council.

In 2016, Professor Li Chengyi won the new benchmark award in China's traditional Chinese medicine and medical industry, the leader award in China's public welfare undertakings, the outstanding person award in China's reform, the new leader in China's economic and medical industry, the leader in China's development and Reform in 2016 and other honorary titles.

In 2017, Professor Li Chengyi won the honorary title of "2017 global Chinese most influential medical leader". He also participated in the compilation and publication of national 28 Style Taijiquan and served as the deputy editor in chief of the Editorial Committee. In 2017,     the Organizing Committee of grassland hero Wulin Nadamu (Inner Mongolia) won the honorary titles of "king of Mongolia - famous teacher of grassland Wulin" and "king of Mongolia - famous master  of grassland Wulin". In 2017, Professor Li Chengyi, a famous Chinese medical scientist, was invited to participate in the global   new economy summit forum at the United Nations headquarters in New York. At the forum, he gave a keynote speech on "promoting  the quintessence of traditional Chinese medicine", and won the "special prize for clinical medicine of traditional Chinese medicine     in the global new  economy".  He  presented  his  calligraphy  works to heads of state of many countries on site to spread Chinese traditional culture.

In 2018, Beijing Chengyi medical research institute won the "top 100 Chinese brand influence", Professor Li Chengyi won the titles    of "40 years of reform and opening up - Top  10 Chinese scientific  and technological innovation", "medical leader of Chinese brand influence in the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up", "medical expert with both virtue and art in the 40 years of reform    and opening up", "industry leader in the 40 years of reform and opening up" and "top 10 innovative physicians in 2018".

In January 2019, the fourth "China's new economic model innovation and Development Summit" and 2018 "China's industry leading brand" TV event were  successfully  held  in  the  auditorium of the CPPCC National Committee.  The  conference  commended the leading brands and individuals of national enterprise innovation achievements in 2018, and Beijing Chengyi medical research institute won the "leading brand in China's industry". Professor Li Chengyi won the award of "the most innovative business leader in China's industry".

On September 17, 2019, Beijing Diaoyutai state guesthouse held   the "70th anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China. Economic development and brand building summit forum", which was jointly sponsored by the people's daily, economic daily, market observation magazine, discover brand column and the University of foreign trade and economics, presided over by the chief editor of economic daily and delivered a speech by Vice Chairman Qi Xuchun of the CPPCC National Committee. Professor  Li Chengyi was invited to attend the opening ceremony.

At the summit forum, "Beijing Chengyi Medical Research Institute" was comprehensively evaluated by the third party of the general assembly and the monitoring organization of the situation. The enterprise won the "70th anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China. Top 10 quality demonstration brands in China's traditional Chinese medicine industry"; He won the "70th anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China. Outstanding Youth Award for promoting high-quality innovation and development of China's traditional Chinese medicine industry"; And "70th anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China. Outstanding contribution award for promoting China's economic development".

In 2020, Professor Li Chengyi won the "scientific and technological progress award of traditional Chinese medicine industry", "chief scientist of traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance and innovation", "national brand (global) Promotion Ambassador", "special prize of global new economy traditional Chinese medicine clinical medicine","2020 International China public welfare responsibility Product Award", "pioneer of scientific and technological China innovation", "Medal of national medical master", "chief expert of Expert Advisory Committee of China traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance and innovation network" "Vice chairman of innovative China expert think tank alliance", "national Lei Feng figure" and other awards.

In April 2020, he was appointed as a visiting professor by the Chinese Academy of Management Sciences and a member of a large country pharmaceutical think tank; In June of the same year, "Li Chengyi traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance and Innovation Studio" was established.

In September 2020, Professor Li Chengyi was invited to  attend  the 17th China scientists forum! More than  2000  leading  experts and academicians at all levels participated! Professor Li  Chengyi was re elected as vice chairman of the China scientists forum! And won the "chief scientist of traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance and innovation" and "meritorious figure in the protection of intangible cultural heritage of traditional Chinese medicine". Beijing chengyiqihuang traditional Chinese medicine  hospital  was  rated as the "outstanding contributor to the intangible cultural heritage of Chinese traditional medicine".

In December 2020, Professor Li Chengyi won the "Purple Award for role models" and was honored as the cover character.

In  January 2021, Professor Li  Chengyi became the  cover figure of the 2021 calendar and celebrated the new year with 12 academicians of the Chinese Academy of engineering.

In February 2021, Professor Li Chengyi was honored as the cover person of the special issue of the pillars of the country.

On March 2, 2021, Professor Li Chengyi was awarded the "high  level achievement award of China Russia traditional medicine exchange project" by the National Health Committee of the Congress of the Russian Federation.

In March 26, 2021, Professor Li Cheng made outstanding contributions to the New Coronavirus epidemic in 2020 and 2021 in March 26, 2021. He was awarded the honorary title of "2020 one 2021 moved to China's advanced medical figures" in the 2020 year 2021 year by the joint voting of the China Medical column group and the China Council of clinical medicine.

On March 29, 2021, Professor Li Chengyi participated in the joint report of 2021 International China public welfare ceremony and was awarded the title of "image ambassador of traditional Chinese medicine".

In April 2021, Professor Li Chengyi was included in the exhibition record of 100 National Medical University Teachers promoting the development of Chinese traditional medicine.

On May 23, 2021, Professor Li Chengyi was invited to participate in the China business leaders forum, the 10th annual meeting of leaders of the golden code award public satisfaction model brand press release. In the 10th "witness the power of brand" public satisfaction special research activity, according to the nomination of experts, journalists, planners, the public and industry figures, and the scoring results of the tripartite data of "recommendation of the organizing committee, public voting and strict review", Beijing Chengyi Medical Research Institute was elected as the Golden Book Award in this research activity Professor Li Chengyi, President of the Institute, won the Golden Award for outstanding contributions to the development of contemporary Chinese medicine The top ten role models for leading the development of traditional Chinese medicine industry and promoting the high-quality development of traditional Chinese medicine industry Annual top ten innovative people award.

On May 24, 2021, the 18th China Scientists Forum was held in Beijing. Academicians, experts, scientific and technological workers and entrepreneurs from all over the country attended the annual science and technology event. During the meeting, the fourth China enterprise Chief Scientists Forum was also held. Professor Li Chengyi was invited to attend the meeting and make a speech.

In this event, Professor Li Chengyi won the "2020-2021 influential scientific and technological innovation Pioneer Award", and Beijing Chengyi Qihuang traditional Chinese medicine hospital won the "2020-2021 outstanding contribution award for social responsibility". On May 27 and 28, 2021, Professor Li Chengyi was invited to attend and speak at the 2021 Seminar on the development of new business forms and new situations of China's economy in Diaoyutai state guesthouse! Qi Xuchun, vice chairman of the 12th National Committee of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference, Xie Zhongyu, chairman of the board of supervisors of the first state-owned key large enterprises of the State Council, and other leaders and national outstanding entrepreneurs took group photos as souvenirs.

At this conference, Professor Li Chengyi won the title of "lifetime achievement award of contemporary Chinese medicine", "outstanding innovative figure promoting the development of traditional Chinese medicine industry" and "outstanding contributor with the most sense of social responsibility"!

On June 28, 2021, Professor Li Chengyi was cited  by  the  audio and video publishing house of sanchen film library as a pioneer approaching the rise of a great country!

From July 18 to 20, 2021, the 21st China Century Collection and annual people's television summary and commendation conference was held in the studio hall of CCTV. This year is the beginning of the 14th five year plan and a new era of rebirth after the epidemic. President Li Chengyi was invited to attend the 21st China Century Collection and annual people's television summary and commendation conference. Beijing Chengyi medical research institute won the honorary title of "contemporary caring medical institution", and President Li Chengyi won the honorary title of "expert on special treatment of difficult and miscellaneous diseases of contemporary traditional Chinese medicine" and "founder of contemporary traditional Chinese medicine".

On August 2, 2021, Professor Li Chengyi was included by China Science and Culture Press in the book "a hundred years of struggle and a new journey (learning the spirit of the party's history and biography and following the party's 100 people Pepsi collection record)"!

On August 22, 2021, Professor Li Chengyi was invited to participate in the recording of the sixth issue of "100 years' list of innovative heroes in the interview of characters in the series of beauty of discovery". This program is hosted by Shao Mingyue, a famous host of CCTV. It aims to carry forward the spirit of scientific and technological innovation in the new era, display the latest achievements of China's science and technology under the new situation, and establish the benchmark of China's science and technology industry under the new pattern. Impromptu interview awarded comrade "Li Chengyi": the beauty of discovery The focus of 2021 news of the power of innovation era.

From September 18 to 19, 2021, the 19th Chinese scientists (International) forum was held in Beijing. Dr. Li Chengyi was invited to participate in the forum and gave a keynote speech on "knowledge, practice, carry forward the past and forge ahead - on the inheritance and innovation of traditional Chinese medicine". Beijing Chengyi Qihuang Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine was awarded the title of "Research Center for the development of traditional Chinese medicine industry, School of business, Chinese Academy of Management Sciences", and Professor Li Chengyi was awarded the title of "image ambassador of scientific and technological innovation" at the 19th China scientists (International) forum. Chen Gui, chairman of China Scientists Forum, Dean of Business School of Chinese Academy of Management  Sciences and President of entrepreneur branch of China future research association, issued the certificate.

In December 2021, Professor Li Chengyi won the honorary title of "extraordinary person of China in 2021".

In the face of honor, Li Chengyi dare not relax at all. He often remembers the words given to him by his mentor LV Bingkui, "hanging a pot to help the world, and there is no end to medicine", and uses this to encourage himself. He has gone through trials and hardships all the way. From "characteristic therapy of Chinese medicine skill", "characteristic therapy of excellent famous Chinese medicine", to "best invention achievement award of China's scientific and technological innovation" and "Asian medical science and technology Honor Award" "China management science research and application excellent achievement award", and then to the 2015 national top ten characteristic innovative therapies with the most promotion value, one therapy has won many awards, which not only demonstrates its superior curative effect, but also highlights the founder's exquisite medical skills.

In addition, Professor Li Chengyi also insisted on leading students, focusing on cultivating a new generation of doctors, and imparting his knowledge to them without reservation. He insisted on speaking with facts, worked hard to improve medical technology, and used word-of-mouth and medical skills to build the brand of Beijing Chengyi Medical Research Institute.

In order to promote the development of China's health culture, Li Chengyi has been invited to visit dozens of countries and regions, made keynote speeches at the international academic exchange conference of traditional Chinese medicine on behalf of China's traditional Chinese medicine community for many times, and provided health treatment for leaders of many countries, which has been highly praised. Honorary president Li is appointed as the consultant of the Sino Republican cooperation committee of the Republic of China in Burundi. As a member of the think tank of the two governments and civil exchanges, China's vice president of the Chinese Scientists Forum, director of the China folk medicine research and Development Association, the "cold and miscellaneous diseases" written by Zhang Zhongjing, the deputy director of the Baiyun Pavilion, the deputy editor in chief of the book "revitalizing the country through science and education". He won the outstanding achievement award of Health Ambassador in Europe and America and was awarded the national medical Saint award in China.














































































6、 Multifaceted life, interpreting the extraordinary significance of life

Since ancient times, every scholar who has made outstanding achievements in life and career can make certain achievements in anything. As a professor who is proficient in martial arts and traditional Chinese medicine, Professor Li Chengyi also has great attainments in Chinese calligraphy, painting and poetry. He wrote more than 1000 poems impromptu. In 2014, he officially worshipped Master Liu Tianyi, the adopted son of Mr. Yu Youren and the disciple of Mr. Huang Binhong, a giant of calligraphy and painting, as a teacher to systematically study the identification of Chinese calligraphy and painting and the sorting, editing, publicity and promotion of the "Standard Cursive thousand character dictionary". His calligraphy and painting works have been collected by political dignitaries, generals and entrepreneurs in many countries.



In October 2009, his works participated in the "harmonious cross strait calligraphy and painting artist exchange activity work exhibition" and won the excellent award. In the calligraphy and painting exhibition held by the national development and Reform Commission to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army's Long March, Professor Li Chengyi's calligraphy and painting work "Long March, light for thousands of years" was collected by the national development and Reform Commission.

In terms of disseminating China's excellent traditional culture, Professor Li Chengyi and his mentor Master Liu Tianyi will be remembered by history for their outstanding contributions to mankind!



"Strive for human health for life" is Professor Li Chengyi's oath,  a belief and a belief. Whether engaged in martial arts, health preservation, calligraphy and painting, poetry or medicine itself, Professor Li Chengyi has practiced this oath every step! His outstanding deeds have been listed in the list of famous Chinese doctors of traditional Chinese medicine, the soul of Chinese medicine, practical brilliance, the Chinese people of the times, the motherland, rejuvenating the country through science and technology, the annals of innovative Chinese figures, Li Chengyi, the leader of China, synergy, innovation and development, traditional Chinese medicine science and technology marching towards the world, focusing on the Chinese people, the gathering of Chinese celebrities (co named on the cover with scientists such as Yuan Longping) It is recorded in more than 30 books, periodicals and classics, such as the dream of China's innovation (co named on the cover with Nobel laureate Tu youyou).



Professor Li Chengyi explained the lofty mission and responsibility of a medical worker with his broad mind of boundless love and boundless Avenue; With his silent practice of wholeheartedly serving the people and moistening things, he constantly integrated the profound accumulation and unique insights into his medical experience, and set an example for medical workers and scientific researchers.


