大家好,我家狗狗寄养在申生宠物医院(吴中路507号,还有一个分店长宁路)时被患染病毒,申生没有及时通知我,因为照顾不周狗狗身上沾满腥臭怕我看见于是给带病狗洗澡导致病情恶化,刘医师没有丝毫内疚而且一再推卸责任怪我的狗体质差并且主动从我卡里扣除了所有医疗费,回家后狗狗精神差呕吐不止夜里拉血不止,我夜里哭着带狗狗到处寻医求救,找到医院时它已经严重脱水导致抢救时受了诸多痛苦。 大家都是爱宝贝的人,我也曾经深信着这个医院直到发生如此事件才看清楚真面目,是我害了我的宝贝,请以我为警告不要选错医院,今天为了宝贝所受的苦而来! Hello everyone, my dog has cod a deathly decease in ShenSheng Animal Hospital during boarding stay while I'm away in a business trip, They did not inform me with the trueth in time, did not take well care of my dog, and took a shower for her while she is still very sick, denied for any responsibilities and blamed my dog is too wick to catch a decease, and billed for all medical costs. The same day I took my pup home she was vomiting and shaking badly same night she pooped blood, I cried to death middle of the night driving on the road looking for rescue, I have safely moved her to a more trustable Hospital! We are all pet owners, please take my advise and don't be the next in line!
发布:2016-02-11 19:40 | 来源:第一健康网 | 查看: 次
摘要: 上海宠物医院(吴中路507号,申生黑心谋财杀狗) 大家好,我家狗狗寄养在申生宠物医院(吴中路507号,还有一个分店长宁路)时被患染病毒,申生没有及时通知我,