当前位置:首页 > 男性 > 精子异常 > > 大规模测序揭示人精子基因组在减数分裂过程的变异情况


发布:2020-12-30 19:02 | 来源:健康日报网 | 查看:

摘要: 本期文章:《自然》:Online/在线发表 美国哈佛医学院Steven A. McCarroll、Avery Davis Bell及其课题组,通过对31,228个人精子基因组进行研究揭示了精子在减数分裂过程中的变异情况。 相关论文在线发表在2020年6月3日的《自然》上。 为了研究减数分裂的各


美国哈佛医学院Steven A. McCarroll、Avery Davis Bell及其课题组,通过对31,228个人精子基因组进行研究揭示了精子在减数分裂过程中的变异情况。 相关论文在线发表在2020年6月3日的《自然》上。






Title: Insights into variation in meiosis from 31,228 human sperm genomes

Author: Avery Davis Bell, Curtis J. Mello, James Nemesh, Sara A. Brumbaugh, Alec Wysoker, Steven A. McCarroll

Issue&Volume: 2020-06-03

Abstract: Meiosis, although essential for reproduction, is also variable and error-prone: rates of chromosome crossover vary among gametes, between the sexes, and among humans of the same sex, and chromosome missegregation leads to abnormal chromosome numbers (aneuploidy)1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. To study diverse meiotic outcomes and how they covary across chromosomes, gametes and humans, we developed Sperm-seq, a way of simultaneously analysing the genomes of thousands of individual sperm. Here we analyse the genomes of 31,228 human gametes from 20 sperm donors, identifying 813,122 crossovers and 787 aneuploid chromosomes. Sperm donors had aneuploidy rates ranging from 0.01 to 0.05 aneuploidies per gamete; crossovers partially protected chromosomes from nondisjunction at the meiosis I cell division. Some chromosomes and donors underwent more-frequent nondisjunction during meiosis I, and others showed more meiosis II segregation failures. Sperm genomes also manifested many genomic anomalies that could not be explained by simple nondisjunction. Diverse recombination phenotypes—from crossover rates to crossover location and separation, a measure of crossover interference—covaried strongly across individuals and cells. Our results can be incorporated with earlier observations into a unified model in which a core mechanism, the variable physical compaction of meiotic chromosomes, generates interindividual and cell-to-cell variation in diverse meiotic phenotypes.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2347-0

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2347-0

