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发布:2017-02-22 15:27 | 来源:互联网 | 查看:

摘要: 长期以来机体持续产生精子对于繁衍后代非常关键;近日,发表在国际杂志Development上的一篇研究论文中,来自日本国家基础生物学研究所的研究人员通过研究揭示了


2015年5月5日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --长期以来机体持续产生精子对于繁衍后代非常关键;近日,发表在国际杂志Development上的一篇研究论文中,来自日本国家基础生物学研究所的研究人员通过研究揭示了为何机体会持续产生精子,研究者Shosei Yoshida教授表示,精原干细胞对于类维生素A的反应存在一定的差异,而这种差异是机体精子持续产生的关键因子。








Hierarchical differentiation competence in response to retinoic acid ensures stem cell maintenance during mouse spermatogenesis

Kanako Ikami1,2, Moe Tokue1,2,‡, Ryo Sugimoto1,*,‡, Chiyo Noda3, Satoru Kobayashi2,3, Kenshiro Hara1,2 and Shosei Yoshida1,2,§

Stem cells ensure tissue homeostasis through the production of differentiating and self-renewing progeny. In some tissues, this is achieved by the function of a definitive stem cell niche. However, the mechanisms that operate in mouse spermatogenesis are unknown because undifferentiated spermatogonia (Aundiff) are motile and intermingle with differentiating cells in an ‘open’ niche environment of seminiferous tubules. Aundiff include glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor receptor α1 (GFRα1)+ and neurogenin 3 (NGN3)+ subpopulations, both of which retain the ability to self-renew. However, whereas GFRα1+ cells comprise the homeostatic stem cell pool, NGN3+ cells show a higher probability to differentiate into KIT+ spermatogonia by as yet unknown mechanisms. In the present study, by combining fate analysis of pulse-labeled cells and a model of vitamin A deficiency, we demonstrate that retinoic acid (RA), which may periodically increase in concentration in the tubules during the seminiferous epithelial cycle, induced only NGN3+ cells to differentiate. Comparison of gene expression revealed that retinoic acid receptor γ (Rarg) was predominantly expressed in NGN3+ cells, but not in GFRα1+ cells, whereas the expression levels of many other RA response-related genes were similar in the two populations. Ectopic expression of RARγ was sufficient to induce GFRα1+ cells to directly differentiate to KIT+ cells without transiting the NGN3+ state. Therefore, RARγ plays key roles in the differentiation competence of NGN3+ cells. We propose a novel mechanism of stem cell fate selection in an open niche environment whereby undifferentiated cells show heterogeneous competence to differentiate in response to ubiquitously distributed differentiation-inducing signals..
