2015年7月13日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --近日,一项刊登于国际杂志Science Translational Medicine上的研究论文中,来自韦恩州立大学(Wayne State University)的研究人员进行了一项精子遗传性检测,或可帮助决定不孕夫妇是否需要进行体外受精来繁育下一代;精子中缺失关键RNA元件的男性自然繁育下一代的概率往往较低。
对男性精子中的RNA进行分析或可帮助医生来确定是否需要对不孕夫妇进行辅助繁殖技术(ART),即在实验室条件下进行精卵结合;Stephen Krawetz教授表示,大约13%的夫妇都面临着不育的问题,而当前有大量的诊断技术可以帮助女性进行受孕,但针对男性的生育力检测技术却因为男性精子的运动型、浓度等参数而变得非常有限。
Absence of sperm RNA elements correlates with idiopathic male infertility
Stephen Krawetz et al
The researchers then turned to 96 couples who seemed completely healthy but had been unable to conceive. The investigators performed an RNA analysis of the men's sperm, and then provided a series of increasingly invasive fertility treatments for the couple. Most infertile men did not carry a complete set of sperm RNA elements, the researchers found, and lacking some RNA elements reduced the success rate of natural pregnancy from 73 percent to 27 percent. The greater the number of RNA elements missing from the sperm cell, the lower the likelihood of conception, the researchers said. However, that didn't mean these couples could not conceive, Krawetz said—just that they would need more medical assistance. "When we took those same individuals and went to assisted reproductive technologies, their rate of fertilization and live birth approached that of the group that was successful by the relatively non-invasive techniques," he said. Dr. Rebecca Sokol, president of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, praised the researchers' efforts to figure out a man's contribution to conception.